Monday, August 5, 2013


So, there you go.  Deadline for votes is noon on Wednesday.


  1. i can't read the second picture

  2. I couldn't either!
    Des Ark – Don’t Rock the Boat, Sink the Fucker

  3. I think the sexualization of hugging is way out of control. Won't anyone think of the children? Here you have some dude who was obviously scared of swimming in the ocean, and some photoshop-ist draws in what appears to be bedsheets behind the couple. Disgusting. I'm submitting this travesty to The Huffington Post (left column of course. the right column would _love it_).
    Meanwhile, Des Ark takes a noble stand and uses a swear in the album title. There is just not enough swearing these days. Won't anyone think of the children? I try to do my part as well, and correct those who use words like 'shoot', 'darn' and 'fudge'.

    Interestingly, I had Washed Out's Life of Leisure in my spotify playlist, gave that a quick spin and remembered liking it, but Within and Without just didn't do it for me. I'm guessing this vote is probably based on today's mood.

    Both are, at worst, half decent, and deserve multiple listens.

    Don't Rock the Boat wins Fuckers.

  4. Hmmm...Sexy Fun Time or Lots of Swears Without the Hockey? I think I like the swears better, actually.

  5. As of today, I don't like either of these records.
    Dear Des Ark: I already have Lisa Germano, Julie Doiron, and American Football.

    Dear Washed Out: I would have loved you in college if Andrew was currently borrowing all my Ride and Chapterhouse records. Today, I appreciate the dreaminess, but get better butterflies from M83 and my old ride and chapterhouse records. And if Andrew decides to borrow those, I'll just listen to Teri Gross. And I can't stand Teri Gross

    Because I am particularly sick of lyrics that can double as angsty wine-ridden journal entries by a musician who thinks we'll empathize with the dripping blood that runs from the heart that has been pinned with devil-may-care frustration to her fake-fur coat sleeve...

    Washed out gets my vote

    but with regret.

  6. I thought it would be Washed Out for me, but after three or four listens I'm kind of tired of it and currently prefer the journal lyrics to the "I suppose I should put some vocals on this" lyrics. And thanks, Steve, for reminding me to listen to M83.

    I vote for Des Ark.

  7. I'm too tired to write much, but after a quick listen to both, I vote for Washed Out. I don't love it, but I could definitely see myself listening to it more than Des Ark's album, even though I do think that Des Ark lady has a pretty voice when she wants to.

  8. Three or four listens to each. Both albums enjoyable.

    I'd be more likely to buy Washed Out, but there's a certain blandness to electronic music which prevents enthusiasm when the only context is, "Hey, listen to this, and tell me what you think."

    Meanwhile, Des Ark has heart. And I like the arrangements; good dynamics; nice big guitar when appropriate. Good rock and roll. For lyrics, there's a fine line between sex+truth and sex+childishness. Also, I can just feeeeel the lack of capital letters and punctuation.

    I mean to write nice things about both, but ended up "pulling a Steve" here. I really have been enjoying them.

    Abstain. (I don't mean to encourage others to abstain. But I'm just kinda a wishy-washy guy.)

  9. I'm gonna go with Washed Out. Good falling asleep music. Des Ark is alright, too. I like her singing.

    To Washed Out I say, bonne chance, asshole(s).

  10. Aw man, Des Ark was pulling out for an upset in the early stages, but things aren’t looking too good now. Anyhow, I don’t quite know what to think about Washed Out. I mean I’m into synthesizers and putting delay pedals on everything as much as the next guy, but there’s nothing that’s grabbing me about this band. As for modern synth-pop, I like bands that stick to straight up New Order rip-offs (Wild Nothing, Craft Spells), and when things stray too far from that formula it confuses me.
    I like Des Ark. Sometimes they’re loud, sometimes they’re quiet, this album they’re both. Sometimes she plays banjo. I had a song from their previous album stuck in my head for about 2 ½ years. I vote for Des Ark.

    (Also if everyone loves M83 so much way aren't they on here?)

  11. I vote for Des Ark. Which is kind of weird because, in practice, I probably wouldn't choose to listen to this CD as often as I would Washed Out. But, depending on mood, listening to Des Ark could scratch a way more specific itch than Washed Out could, and I like that.

    I'd also like to mention that, as, in a matter of days, I'm going to be on a family get-away that includes Jeff (Washed Out champion-er), this vote is an act of bravery.

  12. Weird that Jeff and Brian haven't voted yet since they are the ones who had it on their lists. Strict noon cutoff, boys.

  13. Ok, that's it. My vote doesn't count because it's four minutes late, but I would have voted for Washed Out because like Jane, I'll be hanging out with Jeff this weekend, and unlike Jane, I am a coward.
    Like Karl, though, I really liked both these albums. Washed Out always starts a little slow for me, but about half-way through, I usually start really digging it. And I was glad to be introduced to Des Ark; they're slow songs sound like Snowblink, a Canadian band, which if I'm not mistaken is on Arts & Crafts. I sure have a type...but so does everyone else. True story: as I was listening to Washed Out, Jane said, "This is Jeff's pick, isn't it?" And then later, when listening to Des Ark, Jane said, "This is Joe's pick, isn't it?"
    Anyways, my final count is Des Ark - 5 votes / Washed Out - 3 votes...

    1. Also, I think your blog -- I mean, OUR blog -- needs to get on eastern time zone.

  14. Boo. But, you know what they say, it's not like my one vote would have counted.

  15. Also, some points of order:

    1) I am not some immature monster who gets enraged when his picks don't work out. #notamonster
    2) Did any of you even listen to tracks #1 & #3 on Washed Out? #dontskiptracksoneandthree
    3) If it has to be sold off some rando site instead of Amazon, it's probably not good music #onlylameosselfsell
