Thursday, August 15, 2013

Purity Ring - Shries vs. Tallest Man on Earth - Wild Hunt


Votes due by, oh say, Saturday, midnight.


  1. It is impossible to choose Purity Ring, due to what occurs on track 9 at 1 minute, 57 seconds.

    Tallest Man is interesting though. He towers above the rest on this one (Yup, I thought about that one for a while). Also, there is positively, absolutely, no way Jeff will be able to compare him to any other musician.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The tall man lost me after 0:05. I vote Purity Rings.

  4. This one is easy. Guy with rough and tumble vocals earnestly singing with just his guitar versus trendy cool sounding electronica. On paper, the tallest man wins. In reality, he just got his ass kicked by a band called Purity Ring.

  5. Tallest Man fer me. Purity Ring is slick and interesting and all, but in reality (which is all virtual anyway, AZ), I like Dylan wannabes who wanna be him so bad that they write stellar songs in their own right.

    1. I'm going Purity Ring, though I do like this Tallest Man.

  6. I'm away at a lake house, so this will be brief. To my ears, both of these leave something to be desired. Tallest Man gets my vote because of stuff and other things I think.

    Perhaps, because electronic music has gotten so much easier and cheaper to make, the quality has suffered. Just sayin'.

  7. I seem to be one of the only poor bastards on here who isn't away at a friggin' lakehouse right now. I'm cooped up in my own house with a fussy newborn instead. Just sayin'.

    My vote goes to Purity Ring...When given a choice of two, I usually opt for the one with a better beat. I listen to quite a bit of electronic music, and PR is not my favorite...but they sound fresher and more interesting to me than TTMOE. His voice is just so, well, distracting...As my wife aptly put it: "I can't figure out if he sounds like Bob Dylan or Dave Matthews." She also commented: "He's got a certain Vigilantes of Love quality to him...It's just so 1994." We may have to get Rebecca in on this death match one of these days.

    1. I explicitly said to invite any spouses you felt would want to participate. That ones on you, bro.

  8. I think I'll just continue to steal her good quotes as I see fit and leave it at that.

  9. Track 7 on TTMOE, "Love is All", really got me. Love that mic distortion, or whatever-it-is distortion. But meanwhile, the very first track on Purity Ring got me. Apparently if you get me sooner you get my vote. Purity Ring it is.

  10. It is too late to attempt cleverness, largely because Andrew talked me into spending the evening watching a crap movie called _Oblivion_. So I'll just vote: Purity Ring.

  11. You should have watched Sharknado instead.

    1. You're right. I guarantee Sharknado would have been better. Also, looks like Purity Ring takes it comfortably.
