Tuesday, September 24, 2013

And We're Back: Twin Shadow - Confess vs. Matthew E. White- Big Inner


Sorry I was late getting around to posting this.  Things have been a little crazy here (all is looking well though).  Also, I've been a little scared to get back on MDM after Brooke's comments.  I'm not sure if I should be flattered, insulted, or just plain scared shitless.  You guys can vote on that, and while you're doing that, check out the two albums above and vote for the one you like better (cough, Matthew E. cough). Votes due by Friday morning.


  1. Umm, votes are due tomorrow. So, maybe no one else will vote, and my one vote for Matthew E. White will carry the day. I'm cool with that. Maybe by the end of MDM, it will just be me talking to myself...

  2. You are not alone 'tude... I also vote MEW for this MDM. I am not going to go into detail as to why Twin Shadow did not win my vote, except to say that I thought "when will this end" many times.. mind you, I also happened to listen to both Confess and Forget in one sitting without realizing it. I guess that just means I'm not so smart.

  3. Both of these guys are alright. I'm gonna go with Matthew E. White.

  4. I'm going with Twin Shadow, though at first I thought, "Is this The Call?"

  5. MEW for me. Though I did appreciate the introduction to TS. Also rules.

  6. Twin Shadow, and I nominate both of these album covers for Most Likely to Have Been Designed in the 70s.

  7. I'm more familiar with Twin Shadow, but I'm gonna vote Matthew E. White. I liked this album. I agree with Wilson: Both these guys are alright, you know, in their own blatantly-derivative-ala-Foxygen-kind-of-ways.

  8. ooooooh. FRIDAY morning! I guess I missed that train. Probably best that I sat this one out, and didn't get Zwartitude mad at me for one round.

  9. Twin Shadow. Wait....what day is it?

  10. No more carefully-thought-out abstentions for me. Instead you get a snap judgement after just one or two listens. Matthew E White. Twin Shadow was at first fascinating, but ended up wearing thin.
