Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Waxahatchee - Cerulean Salt vs. Matthew E. White - Big Inner


Well, this probably isn't going to go the way I want it to...


  1. Wow, I thought all of my choices were eliminated. I'm going with Waxahatchee. I think I like it so much because it sounds like the follow up to "Exile in Guyville" that I've been waiting for. I think the Big Inner is a very interesting album; I just have to be in the right mood to listen to it.

  2. Matthew E White all the way. This guy puts on a mean live show too. (Very glad for the intro to Waxahatchee, though.)

  3. Both albums have tracks that cause me to nod in tempo, sincerely and groovily, eyes half closed. Matthew E White has more such tracks, so he gets my vote.

  4. It's interesting that Brian would say you have to be in the right mood. I find that this is one of the few albums I can put on almost anytime and enjoy. Actually, Karl's description--nodding in tempo...-- is exactly how I find myself reacting when it comes on. So, yeah, Matthew E all the say. Also, I am sooooo sick of Waxatachee (not really, but I'm trying to be more feisty this second round).

  5. Matthew E. White. Waxahatchee just doesn't do it for me. Sorry.
