Sunday, October 27, 2013

Immanu El - In Passage vs. Megafaun - Megafaun


I'm serious about this keep things moving, but remember, you can keep voting on old matches.  Also, random question: how do you Neko lovers out there like her new album?  Usually, I like but don't love, but I'm really digging this latest...
Anyone else want to share any random thoughts?


  1. I'm so far behind!
    Random thought to Will Oldham nerds: You heard the new self-titled record? Best in years I say.
    Random thought #2: RIP Lou. Although, like many people I consider the Velvets his best work, his late 80's album "New York" is pretty great. Its one of those documents that created a vivid picture in my young mind about what NYC was all about.
    Random thought #3. I've always meant to listen to Lou Reed's "Metal Machine Music" all the way through. Just did this morning while working on writing stuff. I don't think it did anything good for my concentration.
    Random thought #4: Did you know that Velvets drummer Moe Tucker is a Tea Party member down in Texas or something?

    1. Random thought #5:
      Check out Swearin's new album. Streaming on NPR like its the new Norah Jones or something:

  2. A few thoughts:
    -need to listen to Neko Case and Will Oldham's new albums
    -a big RIP for Lou Reed. Love just about everything the Velvets did. Solo stuff is harder to get into for me. Still great though. Totally unique.
    -Vote for Megafaun...

  3. Random thought: Red Sox. Also, Joe are you going to bring me the new BPB for Christmas? I can't get it around here. Also, I vote Megafaun. I had never heard these guys but I checked this disc out of the library sometime in last year and was seriously impressed. To me, these guys write the kind of songs I like and sound really tight. Also, for some reason I find the last tune cosmically comforting, if that's a thing.

    1. I thought the BPB was sold out around here, but then I saw it again in a store. You want LP? Cassette? Or digital free version??

    2. Oh, I guess there is a CD version too.

    3. CD version would be great. And I'd be grateful.

  4. I say Megafaun. Also, on Lou Reed: There are a couple of student workers at my work (a university) who have been playing Lou Reed and Velvet Underground stuff nonstop. I think both had listened a little before he died, but now they're all about a good way.

  5. This one was close for me. It took me 3 weeks to consider, that is the reason for the delay. Imakamu Elle might have won if they had turned up the Sigur Ros and turned down the Jimmy Eat World, but MEGAFAUN wins this one for me.

  6. I can't believe I'm voting for folk over post rock, but Megafaun seems pretty cool. Immanu El I bought after one listen, but now I'm regretting it -- it's good but not great, I think.
