Monday, July 29, 2013

Sarah's Top Ten

1. The National - Trouble Will Find Me
2. PJ Harvey - Let England Shake
3. Matthew E. White - Big Inner
4. The Tallest Man on Earth - The Wild Hunt
5. Phosphorescent - Muchacho
6. Cold Specks - I Predict a Graceful Explosion
7. Bon Iver - Bon Iver
8. Fiona Apple - The Idler Wheel...
9. Lord Huron - Lonesome Dreams
10. Veronica Falls - Waiting for Something to Happen


  1. I like that PJ Harvey album a lot, too, Sarah. Depressing as all get out, but real good.

    1. "Depressing as all get out" seems to describe my musical taste well.

  2. I should just repost your list as my choices. i'll be happy if any of these win

  3. Nice list, Sarah. I feel like we're in synch this time around. Except, for some reason I had a hard time getting into Let England Shake (and I usually love her stuff). Maybe this deathmatch will change my mind.

  4. re: Let England Shake, I'm a dork for WWI stuff. Butcher's Tale, by the Zombies, All Quiet on the Western Front, both the book and movie from 1930. All great. It goes beyond the music.
